Benefits of Bathing in the Morning

Benefits of Bathing in the Morning

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Bathing in the morning is something that we usually do, especially for someone who wants to do activities, whether it's going to work, to school and wherever he goes it should be in the morning the first thing we do is take a shower first.

Benefits of Bathing in the Morning

It turns out that after I read and read so many virtues when we shower in the morning and it turns out there are also effects on our psyche, someone who always bathes in the morning will be more able to control his emotions than someone who does not bathe often in the morning he will look emotional, angry, basically he could not control his emotions. Here are some of the benefits of bathing in the morning:

1. Improve the health of body tissues 

The habit of bathing in the morning with cold water every day also has a positive impact on the health of human body tissues. With this habit, the skin tissue will get better, the skin does not dry out and become more supple. Bathing with cold water is also able to reduce stains and dark circles on the bottom of the eye. Thus, the freshness of the face will increasingly radiate. Conversely when bathing with warm water, the skin is more easily wrinkled and less springy.

2. Streamlining blood circulation

According to the results of a platelet research institute in the UK, if someone often bathe in the morning with cold water, then their blood circulation will become smoother. The body will also feel more refreshed and fit. This will certainly be very useful as a provision for us to undergo daily activities.

3. Increase white blood cells

Still according to the results of studies in the UK, bathing with cold water will increase white blood cells in the body. When white blood cells in the body increase, then the body's resistance and ability to fight viruses will increase. The positive benefits of the body will be more excellent and not easily hurt because the immune system is always well maintained.

4. Can reduce the risk of high blood pressure

According to Frederic Premji, a hypnotherapist from The American Board of Hypnotherapy, a cold shower will reduce the risk of high blood pressure, varicose veins and hardening of the arteries. This is caused because a cold shower will launch the entire blood circulation to the organs of the body.

5. Can increase fertility

Bathing in the morning with cold water has a positive effect on human reproductive health. The benefits are to increase the production of testosterone in men and estrogen in women.

In addition, bathing in cold water also has a positive impact on nail tissue. Your nails will become healthier, stronger and not easily cracked. The taste is so many virtues and the benefits of bathing in the morning, surely we want to get the benefits.

For that, starting today, wake up in the morning and immediately take a shower with the hope that you will get a fresh, healthy body, a cheerful face that is not dull, smiles easily, and is ready to move with passion. It will surely face day after day with enthusiasm.

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